United States
State of Illinois
IL State ConstitutionState Constitution Classes (Online/Live)
The State Constitution class exposes the student to the distribution of power and organization of control of elected, appointed, and employed governors. The student will learn to discover the political boundaries between the departments of state government, the elected, appointed and employed governors, and the legal subdivisions within the state.
Price: $25 each class (Time: 2+ hours)
A state-specific workbook is an additional $13
- C100: State Genealogy & Declaration of Rights
- C200: Legislative
- C300: Executive
- C400: Judicial
- C500: Regional, County, City, School and Remaining Articles
Other Classes
Price: $25 each class (Time: 2+ hours)
- Regional Government (Online): Defining the role of regional governance.
- County/City Government (Online): Defining the role of county and city government.
- Relationship Building & Messaging
- History of Self Governance
- Advanced Inside Gaming
- Advanced Outside Gaming
- Ground Game Management
Discounts & Audit
Family discounts available. Contact us for more information.
Auditing any class, regardless of level: $10. This does not include a workbook.
Level 1 - Theory of Human Government (3 hours/Live or online-live): $50.00
In Level 1, the student compares and contrasts the theoretical concepts of power, government, and control. The student will learn different systems of government based on those concepts. The control concepts of Self Governance and Centralized Governance introduces the student to the experimental role of the governed within the U.S. mixed republican system of government. The student completes Level 1 training exercises before moving onto Level 2. This level and associated exercises are foundational to successful completion of the entire course.
Level 2 - Structure of Human Government (3 hours/Live or online-live): $60.00
Building on the Level 1 paradigm, the Level 2 student is introduced to the design elements of the U.S. mixed republican form of government. They will learn the logic behind and current structure of separation of governments (i.e. Federal v. State), the separation of powers (i.e. executive v. legislative), and the separation of controls (i.e. Sheriff v. Coroner). They will explore the inter-relationship between selection of elected, appointed, and employed governors and influencing (controlling) those governors. The student completes the Level 2 training exercises before entering Level 3. This level and associated exercises establishes the student’s basis of authority from which they will put self governance into practice in the remaining training levels.
**All program requirements must be completed for Level 1 and 2 to enter into the Applied Civics Program.
Level 3 - Troubleshooting Structure of Human Government - Basic (6-7 hours Live): $70.00
In Level 3, students transition to applied civics through their introduction to the Game of Governance (i.e. keeping the oligarchy, etc.). The students learn KTR® Team and individual development and growth techniques. The student completes Level 3 training exercises before moving onto Level 4. These exercises are applicational and necessary to implement lessons learned throughout the remainder of the course.
Level 4 - Troubleshooting Structure of Human Government - Advanced (6-7 hours Live): $80.00
In Level 4, the KTR® Team learns Inside Gaming & Planning, Player and Player group identification, and legislative/elective cycle application. Using case study, the KTR® Team applies knowledge and skills gained during previous levels. The student completes Level 4 training exercises before moving onto Level 5. These exercises are applicational and necessary to implement lessons learned and applied in Level 5.
Level 5 - Maintaining the Structure of Human Government (7 hours Live): $100.00
The Level 5 course is the capstone. The entire CSG Pathway to Self Governance course enables a self-governing KTR team to engineer and maintain shared control within political sub-divisions of their multiple levels of government. In the Level 5 class, the KTR Team, using existing Inside Gaming & Strategies, learns and develops Outside Gaming & Strategy, Outside messaging, and interpreting Outside Gaming & Strategy results. The KTR Team completes Level 5 program requirements to graduate the CSG training program.