Please fill out an affidavit for each way you have been directly or indirectly affected by the political weaponization of the federal government (#PWOG).
“Directly” means you can name the department, bureau, agency or otherwise entity and in one page describe the event.
“Indirectly” means you cannot name the department, bureau, agency or otherwise entity, but believe it was involved somehow but don’t know how. For example, you went to a school board meeting, you were cited, trespassed or the meeting was shut down because they “feared for their safety”, and the event may have triggered a “threat report” to the DHS, FBI or DOJ to inflate their so-called “domestic violent extremism” cases.
If multiple family members were victimized (kids at school; you at work, family members at hospital or nursing home, business bankruptcy, etc.), fill one out for you; one for your child; and one for your significant other (ask them to sign it).
- Stick to FACTS. Please. ZERO emotion. (You’re not asking them to fix your problem, you’re asking them to fix the system so it doesn’t happen to someone else.)
- Aim for it to be SHORT. (One page or less.)
- You will see one statement per line. This will help you stick to facts only.
- Do not combine facts. Make it one fact.
- Use only one verb. Do not create compound sentences using and or or.
- You are encouraged to also make separate affidavits regarding each way you have been impacted.