Articles and Videos
SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 - CSG PRESS RELEASE: Political Weaponization of Government
SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 - CSG PRESS RELEASE: SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center)
DECEMBER 10, 2022 - CSG PRESS RELEASE: GVG3 Episode 1 Premier
DECEMBER 15, 2022 - CSG PRESS RELEASE: PWOL-G ‘Solutions With Action’
JANUARY 6, 2023 - CSG PREMIER: GVG3 Ep. 1: Q & A
MAY 22. 2023 - CSG on Stopping PWOL-G
JUNE 13, 2023 - CSG PWOL-G Presentation on SPLC
June 20-23, 2023
CSG Statement: NGO's Behaving as 'State Actors'
Weaponization Chart: SPLC Weaponizes Federal, State, and Local Government
CSG Concern #13: Americans Seemingly Helpless Against Non-Government Organizations
Revisit CSG Concern #9: FBI Using NGO Private Labels and Lists
Revisit CSG Concern #3: TSA (DHS) Allegedly Using NGO Private Labels and Lists
Revisit CSG Concern #2: Is IRS Being Weaponized Against Groups Privately Labeled and Listed by SPLC?
CSG Concern #14: NATSEC Meets with SPLC 'Intelligence Project' Director
CSG Concern #15:DOD Using SPLC 'Intelligence Report' for OPSEC (Operation Security)
CSG Concern #16: BLM Receives Training from SPLC Expert
CSG Concern #17:Does Administrative Punishment Continue after Judicial Punishment Is Completed?
CSG Concern #18: Does Administrative Punishment Apply to Those Who Have Not Been Charged, Tried, and Found Guilty?
CSG Concern #19: Are SPLC 'Researchers,' 'Attorneys,' 'Analysts,' etc. Directly or Indirectly Connected to ANTIFA or Violent Protests?
CSG Concern #20: NGO (SPLC) Endorses 'Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act'
CSG Concern #21: Corporation-Canceling NGO (SPLC) Label and Listed Organizations
September 19-21, 2023
CSG Statement: NGO's Weaponizing Governments under Guise of Non-Profit Motive
Weaponization Chart: Current Weaponization of Government Committee Focus and Expansion
CSG Concern #22: SPLC Listing Members of Congress As 'Hate Comes to Washington'
CSG Concern #23: ANTIFA Coordinating with SPLC or Using SPLC's 'Hate List' to Coerce and Intimidate the Civilian Population
CSG Concern #24: ANTIFA Intertwined with SPLC to Violate 18 USC 2331 (5)
CSG Concern #25: Corporations Relying on SPLC Lists and Consultations to Cancel and Censor the Civilian Population
CSG Concern #26: Local Law Enforcement Officials Politically Radicalized by SPLC
CSG Concern #27: Local Government Legislators Influenced by SPLC to 'Craft Its Priorities and Guide Its Focus'
CSG Concern #28: Local Government Advancing Cooperation with Federal Government Based on SPLC 'Hate List'
CSG Concern #29: Local and State Governments Relying on SPLC For Its Investigations into White Supremacy at Same Time SPLC Released Its '2022 Hate List'
CSG Concern #30: State Government Relying on SPLC 'Experts' to 'Address the Rise in Violent Extremism and White Supremacy'
CSG Concern #31: Local Government Solicited by Retired Federal Agent to Hire SPLC 'Police Trainer' and 'Intel Analyst'
CSG Concern #32: SPLC Coordinating with Federal Government Resulting in Violations of 1A and Due Process
CSG Concern #33: NGO (SPLC) Endorses 'Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act'
January 9-11, 2024
CSG Statement: Clarifying 'Terrorism'
CSG Concern #34: Secretary of State (former SPLC) Unilaterally Removed U.S. Citizen from Ballot
CSG Concern #35: Civil Society Institutions Relying on SPLC Domestic Labels and Lists
CSG Concern #36: SPLC Silence Concerning Legally Designated Terrorist Organization/a>
CSG Concern #37: SPLC's 'Learning for Justice' Curriculum Influences International Terrorism Debate
CSG Concern #38: SPLC Staff and Union Vocal Influencing Foreign Policy
CSG Concern #39: SPLC Supporting Legally Defined Domestic Terrorism
CSG Concern #40: Wrongful Imprisonment and Prosecutorial Misconduct via SPLC Labels, Lists, etc.
CSG Concern #41: Whistleblower Alleges Evidence of SPLC Directing FBI
CSG Concern #42: Did Congress Authorize Creation and Use of Domestic Terrorist Lists of U.S. Citizens?
Solution #1: Amend 18 USC 2331 (5) and 6 UC 101 (8)
Solution #2: Do Not Pass Senate 'Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act'
Solution #3: Introduce 'Reject ALL Racial Supremacy' Resolution, Law, or Amendment